In a shocking occurrence, a dead man’s eyes appeared to open while in a coffin in front of mourners at his funeral.
The deceased man’s loved ones were gathered at his funeral in the Dominican Republic when they noticed his eyelids seemed to be flickering.
Images of the man show him draped in white inside a coffin with a glass window above his face. His eyes appear to be closed in one image as he lay peacefully inside the case, but in the next moment they seem to have opened as a mourner took a picture.
The eerie incident left the funeral guests startled, with one family member saying: “Who knows if he’s fighting for his life?”
Reports indicated that some concerned relatives suggested calling an ambulance to take him to hospital in case he was ‘miraculously’ still alive.
But other locals suggested the corpse’s alleged eye movement could have been caused by the mobile phone flashlights or muscle memory.
One said: “Post-mortem muscle memory, it presents itself in some corpses.”
Linda Ikeji